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Australians 'need to save Anzac Day': Andrew Bolt
This Anzac Day a reminder of the 'need to be ready' for the next war
Australia 'had to have the prime minister step in' to save Anzac Day
'Trashing' Australia Day ‘keeps us stuck in the past’
Anzac Day sees ‘racial division even in our mourning’
We're ‘nowhere near ready’: War now ‘much, much less’ than a decade away
We must start asking ourselves if ‘Australia is ready for war’: Andrew Bolt
The symbolic significance of ANZAC
ABC diversity guidelines are 'insane': Andrew Bolt
Andrew Bolt: Indigenous people do ‘so much worse than the rest of us’
Resilience before Readiness — “... for the want of a horseshoe nail”
'He's dropped the hardcore activism': King Charles has acted with 'dignity and warmth'